a and b Showing leaf distortion and chlorosis of Amaranth leaves. To best of our knowledge this is the 1st report of natural illness of CaCv in sp. in India. sp. are known to be infected with 121 viruses [2]. According to one report, the users of are susceptible to tomato noticed wilt computer virus [2]. Tospoviruses have been recorded as severe pathogens of different plants worldwide. They may be enveloped viruses having tripartite genome comprising large (L), medium (M) and small (S) segments. Worldwide more than 20 tospoviruses have been reported [3]. Chillies with five tospovirus varieties were reported from India [3]. varieties serve as experimental hosts to a number of viruses, but only Glimepiride a few have been reported to infect them naturally. During a survey, Amaranth was found in vicinity of infected chilies fields having symptoms of curling and chlorosis of its leaves (Fig.?1a, b). Suspected sample was first checked for the presence of tospovirus using group specific DAS-ELISA kit (Bioreba, New Zealand) and second of all with ELISA packages specific for TSWV and GBNV/CaCV. Positive reaction was only acquired with GBNV/CaCV antibodies which suggested that amaranth vegetation were infected with CaCV and/or GBNV. Further confirmation was carried out thrice by RT-PCR using nucleocapsid protein (NP) gene (CP) specific primers of CaCV and GBNV. Amplification product of ~800?bp was only obtained in case of Glimepiride CaCV and no amplification was observed in case of GBNV (Fig.?1c). The amplified product was sequenced using CaCV NP reverse primer and the sequence of 736?bp was obtained. The sequence matches closely with additional isolates of CaCV reported from Maharastra, India (Chilli isolates), Taiwan (orchid isolate) having more than 99?% identity. Phylogenetic analysis of Amaranth isolate with additional CaCV and additional tospoviruses reported from different parts of the world reconfirms the tospovirus infecting Amaranth was an isolate of CaCV as it clustered closely with additional known (“type”:”entrez-nucleotide”,”attrs”:”text”:”FJ011449″,”term_id”:”224038751″,”term_text”:”FJ011449″FJ011449; CaCV-Ch-Pan isolate) Indian isolates of CaCV, having 100?% similarity (Fig.?1d). The sequence of amaranth isolate of CaCV was also submitted to EMBL database with accession No. “type”:”entrez-nucleotide”,”attrs”:”text”:”HG917416″,”term_id”:”583963895″,”term_text”:”HG917416″HG917416. CaCV is recognized as an economically important computer virus reported from different parts of the world [1]. Amaranth is regarded as important natural weed sponsor for Glimepiride thrips transmitted viruses from several parts of the world [4]. Present study confirms the presence of CaCV on Amaranth flower based on visual symptoms, serology and sequence analysis of nucleocapsid protein (NP) with additional CaCV reported from different parts of the world. This study provides evidence that Amaranth is definitely a natural sponsor of CaCv from India. Open in a separate windows Fig.?1 Capsicum chlorosis computer virus Mouse monoclonal to IgG1 Isotype Control.This can be used as a mouse IgG1 isotype control in flow cytometry and other applications (CaCv) infection in sp. a and b Showing leaf distortion and chlorosis of Amaranth leaves. c Showing amplification of nucleocapsid protein (NP) gene of the connected virus. showing amplification of CaCV CP in positive control; showing no amplification with groundnut bud necrosis computer virus specific primers; bad control, respectively; showing CaCv NP gene amlification in sp. d showing phylogenetic analysis of Glimepiride CaCV NP (Amaranth isolates) with the additional tospovirus isolates reported from different parts of the world Acknowledgments Authors are thankful to Dr Bikash Mandal, Indian Agricultural Study Institute for kindly providing GBNV/CaCV antibodies..
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