Furthermore, we analysed plasma from 10 volunteers who was simply immunized by receiving three rounds of experimental infections under a chloroquine prophylaxis and challenged with a fourth contact with infectious mosquito bites without chloroquine cover [37]

Furthermore, we analysed plasma from 10 volunteers who was simply immunized by receiving three rounds of experimental infections under a chloroquine prophylaxis and challenged with a fourth contact with infectious…

We compared the fold induction of mRNA in the colon of Pglyrp?/? mice treated with DSS to untreated Pglyrp?/? mice, the collapse induction of mRNA in the colon of WT mice treated with DSS to untreated WT mice, the significance of differences between the collapse induction of mRNA in Pglyrp?/? versus WT mice, and the ratio of the collapse induction of mRNA in the colon of Pglyrp?/? mice treated with DSS to WT mice treated with DSS for each gene, which were calculated as explained in Supplemental Data

We compared the fold induction of mRNA in the colon of Pglyrp?/? mice treated with DSS to untreated Pglyrp?/? mice, the collapse induction of mRNA in the colon of WT…